Plot PSMC output file
Plot PSMC output file
plotPsmc(psmcFile, mu = 1.4e-08, s = 100, sampleAge = 0,
add = FALSE, timeScale = 1, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
xlab = "Time", ylab = "Popsize", log = "x", ...)
Argument |
Description |
file name containing PSMC output |
Mutation rate per base pair per generation |
The site compression rate used in PSMC |
(For ancient samples) the sample age, in generations |
If TRUE, add to current plotting device |
Scale all times by this factor (i.e. to convert generations to years) |
x-axis range. If NULL, use range in data |
y-axis range. If NULL, use range in data |
x-axis label |
y-axis label |
Which axis to use log scale for (either “x”, “y”, “xy”, “n”) |
Other arguments to be passed to “segments” function (col, lty, lwd, etc) |