Plot ARGweaver statistics vs iteration
Plots the statistics in stat files output by arg-sample vs iteration. By default plots all statistics given in the stat file (as well as any extra created by readStatFiles).
plotTraces(files = NULL, dir = NULL, outroot = NULL, stats = NULL,
colors = if (length(files) == 1) { "black" } else {
rainbow(length(files)) }, xlim = NULL, callPar = TRUE, ncol = 2,
addLegend = (length(files) != 1), ...)
Argument |
Description |
A character vector of file names giving the stat files to plot |
(alternative to files; ignored if files is given). Plot all stat files found in this directory. |
(only used when dir is provided). Only match stat files named |
A list of statistics to plot (i.e., “likelihood”, “recombs”, “prior”, etc). If NULL, then plot all statistics found in the stat files |
A list of colors, one per file, to use in the plots |
The range of iterations to plot. If NULL, use entire range |
If TRUE, call the par() function to create a new graphics object with a plot for each statistic on the same page |
(Only used if callPar=TRUE), arrange the plots in this many columns |
If TRUE, add an additional plot that contains a legend mapping files to colors |
Arguments passed to plotStats() |
invisibly returns a data.frame detailing the files and colors used