Plot trees from bed file produced by smc2bed
Plot trees from bed file produced by smc2bed
plotTreesFromBed(file = NULL, iter = "max", chrom = NULL,
start = -1, end = -1, prune = NULL, keepSeqs = NULL,
col = "black", leafCol = col, leafLabels = NULL, interval = 1,
timeScale = 1, drawSpr = FALSE, ylab = "Generations", xlab = "",
logScale = FALSE, ylim = NULL, mar = c(8, 4, 1, 1), add = FALSE,
regionSide = 1, regionLine = 4, regionRep = TRUE,
treeInfo = NULL, mod = NULL, popwidth = NULL, ...)
Argument |
Description |
A bed file produced by smc2bed |
The MCMC iteration to use. “max” means use the last iteration in the file. NULL or a value < 0 means to plot all iterations. |
The chromosome of the region where plots are desired. See note below. |
The start coordinate of region where plots are desired. See note below. |
The end coordinate of region where plots are desired. See note below. |
A list of leafs to prune from the tree before plotting (Null means prune none) |
A list of leafs to keep in the tree (NULL means keep all) |
Either a character string (single value) giving color of tree. Or, a list giving color to plot each leaf branch. Internal branches will be plotted as “average” color among child leafs. |
If given, this can be a list assigning a color to each leaf name (individual names also work if haploid names are in the form indName_1 and indName_2) |
A list indexed by the leaf names in the tree, giving the label to display for each leaf name. If NULL, the leaf names are displayed. |
Only plot trees separated by this interval in base pairs |
multiply all branches by this value |
If TRUE, draw the SPR event that turns each tree into the next one |
label for y axis |
label for x axis |
If TRUE, plot in log scale |
Range for y axis (default; use range of tree) |
Margins for plot |
If TRUE, do not create a new plot |
Print region of each tree to the margins on this side (1=bottom, 2=left, 3=top, 4=right, anything else = don’t print) |
Print region of each tree on this line of the margin |
If TRUE, include MCMC rep in region string |
If given, should be a character vector of same length as trees |
(Advanced; for use with multi-population version of ARGweaver) A model file read in with the function readPopModel, will draw population model underneath tree |
If mod is not NULL, relative widths for each population |
Passed to plot function |
If the input file is bgzipp’ed and tabixed (which is done automatically when created with the script smc2bed-all), then tabix can be used to read in the file. This will be much more efficient if the region chrom:start-end covers a subset of the region covered by the entire file.
This creates a new plot for each tree. If plotting to the screen, probably want to call par(ask=TRUE) first.